Beef rendang


When I cook this recipe I always imagining eating this menu with all my family in Indonesia , when I was still leave in Indonesia and never touch kitchen , I thought I won’t be able cook this menu because look and sound very complicated! as long you’ve got the principal “there is a will there is a way ”
And got the right ingredients , everything sorted!
with rendang, I like it bit dry , and they are amazing urgent food at the end , the more you heat it few times, the taste is even better! if you fancy dry just leave it cook
A bit while but stir it well, if you fancy with a bit of sauce you can leave it when the sauce is about thickening, rendang for me it has to be HOT! It’s Sumatran food ! But I believe rendang is famous and worldwide now and some foreigners can’t tolerate the real flavour of Sumatran taste bud! so If you brave just add more chillies and if you like mild just less chillies and add bit coconut milk in it, with turmeric leave? If you can’t find the leave it’s not the en of the world ! Your rendang is still spot on ! As long you add bit more turmeric and coriander for extra flavour! anyway hope this will help you to show of your family on your big day or dinner party

Bahan – bahan :
700 g daging sapi has dalam di potong kotak kotak
500 ml santan cair
500 ml santan kental
2 batang sereh di keprek
2 Lembar daun Salam
4 Lembar daun jeruk
20 cabe rawit merah Jika suka pedas
10 cabe merah besar
10 bawang merah
8 bawang Putih
2 Lembar daun kunyit
1 ruas Jari kunyit segar atau 2 sdm kunyit Bubuk
2 sdm ketumbar Bubuk
4 kemiri sangrai
1 Asam kandis Jika suka
2 cm lengkuas keprek
Garam, gula secukupnya
Air untuk merebus daging
Minyak sayur

Cara membuat:
Rebus air dan masukan daging hingga empuk dan ambil daging dan keprek daging sisihkan
Sementara halus kan bawang merah, bawang Putih, cabe besar dan cabe rawit , kemiri, kunyit , ketumbar dan setelah itu panas kan Minyak dan Tumis bumbu hingga harum, masukan sereh, lengkuas, daun Salam dan daun jeruk , daun kunyit dan Tumis beberapa saat, tuang santan cair dan masukan asam dan biarkan mendidih, masukan daging dan biarkan beberapa saat dan tuang santan kental dan aduk dan sambil dicipi Tambahkan garam, gula , biarkan hingga asat , atau berminyak


Ingredients :
700 g beef diced
500 ml thin coconut milk
500 ml thick coconut milk
2 stalks lemongrass crushed
2 bay leaves
4 Kafir lime leaves
20 red bird chillies if you like extra hot
10 red chillies
10 cloves shallots
8 cloves garlics
2 Turmeric leaves
1 finger fresh turmeric or 2 tbs ground turmeric
2 tbs ground coriander
4 candle nuts dry fried
2 cm galangal crushed
Salt and sugar
Water to boil the meat
Vegetable oil

How to make :
Boil the meat till soft and cook and drained them beat gentle then set a side meanwhile pound the shallots, garlics, chillies, candlenuts, turmeric,coriander till became paste then heat the oil then saute them till fragrant ,
Add lemon grass,galangal, bay leaves and line leaves then leave it few mins then pour thin coconut milk then add tamarind and leave it boil the add the meat and leave it for while then add thick coconut oil then seasoning with salt and sugar then stir well and leave it till the sauce is thicken or oily

Crab claws with variety sauce ( capit kepiting dengan saus variasi )


Bahan – bahan:
Capit kepiting segar atau frozen
1 bawang Bombay cincang kasar
4 bawang Putih cincang kasar
3 batang daun bawang iris iris
Minyak wijen
Minyak sayur
3 sdm sauce tiram
1 sdm kecap Inggris
1 sdm kecap asin atau kecap jepang
2 sdm saus tomat
Sedikit air matang
Merica, garam dan gula pasir

Cara membuat :
Kepiting di goreng hingga matang dan sisihkan
Sementara panas kan wajan dan Tumis bawang Bombay dan bawang Putih hingga layu dan harum, masukan saus tiram , kecap Inggris, kecap asin, dan saus tomat , aduk merata dan dicicipi sambil di Tambahkan garam, Merica dan gula pasir dan masukan kepiting aduk dan tuang air dan tunggu mendidih dan biarkan saus mengental, taburi irisan daun bawang diatasnya ,

Crab claw fresh or frozen
1 onion roughly chopped
4 cloves garlics roughly chopped
3 spring onions sliced
Sesame oil
Vegetable oil
3 tbs oyster sauce
1 tbs Worcester sauce
1 tbs soy sauce
2 tbs tomato sauce
Bit of cooked water
White pepper, salt and sugar

How to make :
Fry the crab claw till it cook and set aside . Meanwhile heat the pan and sauté the onion and garlic till fragrant and soften then you can add the oyster sauce, soy sauce, Worcester sauce and tomato sauce , stir well and seasoning with white pepper, salt and sugar then you can pour bit of water and leave it boil and the sauce is thickening .
don’t forget sprinkled spring onions on top before you serve it

penne ai funghi salsa di pomodoro ( pasta penne Jamur saus tomat )


This recipe only for busy bees and need some energy , simple , quick and filling and also vegetarian and your little one can nibble as well, selamat mencoba !

Bahan – bahan :
Minyak zaitun
Pasta penne
1/2 siung bawang Bombay potong kotak kotak
4 siung bawang Putih iris tipis
250 gr Jamur kancing chestnut iris iris
2-3 sdm pasta tomat
1 kaleng tomat cherry
Garam, gula dan lads hitam
Air untuk merebus pasta
parutan keju Parmesan

Cara membuat :
rebus air dan masak pasta sesuai Aturan paket , biasa kan kurangi 1 menit so, pasta yang di hasil kan menjadi al dente !
Sementara panas kan wajan dan Tumis bawang Bombay 3 menit dan bawang Putih extra 1 menit, masukan pasta tomat dan aduk rata dan masak Jamur hingga layu, tuang tomat kaleng sambil di aduk dan di cicipi dengan gula, garam dan Lada hitam, biarkan saus mengental dan Jika pasta telah masak dan di saring campur aduk dengan saus dan sajikan dengan taburan keju Parmesan diatasnya

Olive oil
Penne pasta
1/2 onion diced
4 cloves garlics sliced
250 g chestnut mushrooms sliced
2-3 tbs tomato paste
1 tin cherry tomatoes
Salt, sugar and black pepper
Water to cook pasta
Grated parmagiano cheese

How to make :
Boil the water then cook the pasta according the package.make a habit to cook minus 1 minute so you can get al dente result from your pasta , meanwhile heat the oil and sauté the onion till soften then add garlics cook extra 1 minute then put the tomato paste and stir well, then you can put all the mushrooms in and cook it till soften.pour the tin tomato and stir well and seasoning with sugar, salt and black pepper leave it cook until the sauce is thicken ,
When the pasta is ready , mix it with the sauce the serve with grated parmagiano

Balado terong dan ikan kembung ( spicy small aubergine with jack fish )


Indonesian :
Bahan – bahan :
6 siung bawang merah
2 tomat
8 cabe merah besar
6-8 cabe rawit merah
2 jeruk nipis
Garam dan gula
Minyak sayur
Terong kecil di belah 2 setengah
ikan kembung ekor kuning di bersihkan

Cara membuat :
Ikan di lumuri perasan jeruk nipis dan garam dan di biarkan selama 15 menit dan goreng hingga matang
Sementara goreng terong hingga setengah layu dan sisihkan
halus kan bawang merah, cabe, tomat San panas kan Minyak dan Tumis bumbu cabe hingga Harus sambil dicipi dengan gula dan garam dan biarkan asat masukan terong dan ikan
Aduk rata dan angkat , sajikan dengan nasi hangat

English :
Ingredients :
6 cloves shallots
2 tomatoes
8 big red chillies
6-8 red bird chilies
2 limes
Salt and sugar
Vegetable oil
Small aubergine slice half
Jack fish ( cleaned and scaled )

How to make :
Marinate the fish with lime juice and bit of salt and leave it for 15 mind then fry till cook, meanwhile fry the aubergine until half cook then set aside , pound the shallots, chillies, tomatoes all together and heat the wok then sauté the chilli paste till fragrant then seasoning with salt and sugar leave it till thicken the add the fish and aubergine and stir well , off from wok and serve with steam rice x
halus kan bawang merah, cabe, tomat San panas kan Minyak dan Tumis bumbu cabe hingga Harus sambil dicipi dengan gula dan garam dan biarkan asat masukan terong dan ikan
Aduk rata dan angkat , sajikan dengan nasi hangat

Rose macaroons with clotted cream


I loooove macaroons ! Especially my son, since I visited Laduree in Paris , I am even more fancy to create new taste of macaroons , in this recipe I used egg white powder which is less hassle and voila it’s done , being a mum you just don’t want to carry any burden especially from the kitchen ( ha!) anyway I hope you like this recipe like I do ,

Bahan – bahan :

175 gr gula halus ( ayak )
75 gr almond Bubuk ( ayak )
4 Putih telur or 2 sachet Putih telur Bubuk
1 atau 2 sdt rose water
1 cangkir air hangat ( Jika menggunakan Putih telur Bubuk )
Pewarna makanan sesuai selera
Daaan tentu nya clotted cream !

Cara membuat :
Siapkan loyang dengan Kertas baking diatasnya lalu siapkan Ayakan gula halus dan almond campur Jadi satu dan sisihkan
Untuk Putih telur fresh kocok hingga kaku sambil di kocok masukan rose water dan pewarna makanan , kocok lagi hingga kaku Jika menggunakan Putih telur Bubuk campur Putih telur dengan 3 sdm air hangat dan kocok dengan Garpu hingga mengental lalu campur dengan 7 sdm air hangat fan mixer hingga kaku , sambil di mixer masukan rose water dan setelah itu pewarna makanan
Bubuk almond dan gula di campur ke Adonan Putih telur dengan cara teknik folding ( jangan di aduk aduk )
Siapkan pipping bag fan masukan Adonan dan cetak Adonan setelah selesai geprak loyal sekali dua Kali agar cetak an macaroon flat bundar biarkan di dalam suhu ruangan selama 15 menit Sementara panas kan oven 160C dan setelah 15 menit panggang macaroon selama 15 menit dengan membiarkan pintu oven terbutaline sedikit dan setelah matang biarkan dingin agar Mudah di lepas Dari loyang dan sandwich macaroon dengan clotted cream. Mmmm yummmm

Ingredients :
175 g icing sugar ( sifted )
75 g ground almond ( sifted )
4 egg whites or 2 sachets Egg white powder
1 atau 2 tsp rose water
1 cup warm water ( If you are using egg white powder )
Food colouring as you like
Aaand of course clotted cream !

How to make :
Prepare your tin with baking paper on top the. Mix the icing sugar and almond altogether and set aside ,
If you are using fresh egg white you can start whisking it till it completely stiff during the mixing you may put the rose water and then food colouring then whisk till it stif. But if you are using egg white powder you can mix it with 3 tbs warm water and whisk a bit with fork the. Add 7 tbs warm water the whisking it till stuff and during the whisking you can add rose water and food colouring after that you can put the almond mixture in to your egg white and folding it and prepare your pipping bag and put the mixture into the pipping bag and start shape all the macaroons !to make them flat and round you can easily gentle drop once or twice and leave it ( room temperature ) for 15 mins
Meanwhile preheat oven 160C then bake the macaroons for 15 mins with the oven door slightly open ( ajar )
after that leave them cool so you can easy take them pop out from your tin then sandwich them with dollop of clotted cream ! Yum yum
Bubuk almond dan gula di campur ke Adonan Putih telur dengan cara teknik folding ( jangan di aduk aduk )
Siapkan pipping bag fan masukan Adonan dan cetak Adonan setelah selesai geprak loyal sekali dua Kali agar cetak an macaroon flat bundar biarkan di dalam suhu ruangan selama 15 menit Sementara panas kan oven 160C dan setelah 15 menit panggang macaroon selama 15 menit dengan membiarkan pintu oven terbutaline sedikit dan setelah matang biarkan dingin agar Mudah di lepas Dari loyang dan sandwich macaroon dengan clotted cream. Mmmm yummmm

Ayam cabe ijo ( chicken green chillies)


Bahan – bahan :
beberapa potongan PAha ayam
5 cabe hijau Besar
6 cabe hijau kecil
2 tomat hijau besar atau 6 tomat hijau kecil
1 batang sereh di keprek
2 lembar daun Salam
3 lembar daun jeruk
2 cm lengkuas di keprek
5 siung bawang Putih
5 siung bawang merah
2 jeruk nipis
Garam dan gula
Air matang
Minyak goreng
1 sdm Asam jawa dicampur 2 sdm air matang
Kaldu ayam Tanpa MSG

Cara membuat :

Ayam di lumuri perasan jeruk nipis dan garam biarkan di dalam kulkas selama 45 menit lalu goreng setengah matang kita kira 15 menit hingga kecoklatan sisihkan

Sementara halus kan bawang merah, bawang Putih , cabe hijau besar dan kecil dan tomat ,

Panas kan Minyak lalu Tumis bumbu halus selama 3 menit dan masukan lengkuas, sereh, daun salam dan daun jeruk Tumis hingga 5 menit dan masukan ayam, aduk rata dan tuang sedikit air dan tunggu hingga mendidih, sambil di cicipi Tambahkan gula dan garam berpikir kaldu ayam dan air Asam biarkan hingga asat , sajikan dengan nasi panas ,

Ingredients :
Few pieces of chicken thighs
5 big green chillies
6 green bird chillies
2 big tomatoes or 6 green cherry tomatoes
1 lemon grass crushed
2 bay leaves
3 lime leaves
2 cm galangal crushed
5 cloves garlics
5 cloves shallots
2 limes
Salt and sugar
Cooked water
Vegetable oil
1 tbs tamarind mix with 2 tbs cooked water
Chicken stock powder free MSG

How to make :
Marinate the chicken with lime juice and salt and leave it in the fridge for 45 mins and fry the chicken half cook for 15 mons or till it brown then set aside

Meanwhile pound the garlics, shallots, bug and small green chillies and green tomatoes

Heat the oil and sauté the pound paste for 3 mins the. Add the lemon grass, galangal, bay leaves and lime leaves stir it for another 5 mins, put the chicken in and sir well the pour little bit of water and wait to boil then seasoning with salt and sugar also the stock and leave the juice is thicken then serve it with steam rice

Kolak pisang ubi ( plantain and sweet potato coconut soup


Always like this recipe especially during the Ramadhan , I can feel my family from Indonesia are here eating with me ( sniffed ) anyway , hope you will like this recipe too

Bahan – bahan :

Resep untuk 2-3 orang
2 pisang tanduk matang Kupas dan potong – potong
2 ubi manis kupas dan potong potong
1/2 kaleng santan
3 sdm gula jawa
2 sdm gula aren
1 sdt garam
Air untuk merebus
2 lembar daun pandan atau 1/2 sdt vanili

Cara membuat :
rebus air dan masukan pisang dan ubi dan sedikit garam hingga 10 menit lalu masukan gula jawa dan gula aren dan aduk rata kemudian masukan santan sedikit Demi sedikit sambil di aduk , Jika punya daun pandan masukan potongan daun pandan atau bisa di ikat simpul Akan tetapi Jika tidak punya daun pandan bisa Tambahkan vanila, sambil di cicipi atau sesuai selera Jika suka Lebih gurih bisa di Tambahkan santan , masak hingga pisang dan ubi matang , sajikan hangat atau dingin menambahkan es Batu

Recipe for 2-3 portions
2 ripe plantains peeled and chopped
2 ripe sweet potato peeled and chopped
1/2 tin of coconut milk
3 tbs palm sugar
2 tbs brown sugar
1 tsp salt
fresh water to boil or cook
2 pandan leaves or 1/2 tsp vanilla essence

How to make :
Boil the water and add the plantains, sweet potato and bit of salt for 10 mins, put the palm sugar and brown sugar altogether then stir well, pour the coconut milk bit by bit and keep stirring the. You can add the pandan leaves by teared or make it like knot or if you don’t have pandan leave you can add the vanilla into the mixture, seasoning and if you like the soup is bit rich flavour you can add more coconut milk , cook until the plantains and sweet potato are cooked , serve warm or cold by adding some ice cubes