Pangsit goreng isi udang ( deep fried wonton with king prawn filling )


either you have this menu for your snacks , appetiser but also you can have them for your “bakso” side dish
it’s simple to make as long you not treat your wonton skin like making “origami”and the ingredients not that difficult as well . Don’t forget your chilli sauce dipping as well though

Bahan – bahan :
50-100 gr udang kupas cincang halus
1 batang daun bawang cincang halus
1 sdm Minyak wijen
1 sdm tepung tapioca
Garam dan Merica
Kulit pangsit
1 Butir telur ayam kocok lepas
Minyak goreng

Cara membuat :
campur semua bahan Jadi satu kecuali kulit pangsit dan mulai isi kulit pangsit dengan bahan isian dan bentuk sesuai selera kemudian goreng hingga matang dan kecoklatan

50-100 g king prawns peeled and finely chopped
1 spring onion finely chopped
1 tbs sesame oil
1 tbs tapioca starch
Salt and ground white pepper
Wonton skins
1 egg beaten
Vegetable oil

How to make :
Mix all the ingredients except the wonton skins then start fill he skins with the filling ingredients and shape as you like, deep fried them until cook and the colour turn brown

Smoked salmon cream cheese


Sorry this would be the very short and simple recipe ever but I just want to share because it’s tasty and great for your snack or appetiser

smoked salmon ready to eat
lemon wedges
dill ( chopped )
cream cheese

How to make :
Get ready your plate and place the salmon then dollop of cream cheese and sprinkled dill on top of the cheese then put the lemon wedge on the side and squeeze the lemon before you eat your salmon
enjoy xxx

banana and chocolate chips crepes


Yum yum, I am not breakfast person but I like to treat my self and family with this menu especially to see my boy with his great expectation face waiting for his favourite breakfast menu to be served ! the main key with crepes is the “special pan” it does make lots of different for your perfect crepes !

Bahan – bahan :
110 gr tepung terigu di ayak
200 ml susu cair
50 gr mentega
Sedikit garam
1 sdt gula pasir
1/2 sdt vanili
2 Butir telur ayam kocok lepas
potongan buah lemon
gula halus di ayak
Pisang potong bulat tipis
Chocolate chips

Cara membuat :
campur telur dengan susu dan kocok Terus tambahkan sedikit gram dan vanilla dan gula pasir kocok merata setelah itu masukan tepung terigu sedikit Demi sedikit dan aduk merata hingga tidak Ada gumpalan di dalam Adonan
panas kan Wajan dengan satu sendok mentega Dari 50 gr mentega tadi untuk setiap memasak crepes
Masak dan biar kan bagian bawah kecoklatan kemudian Taburkan chocolate chips di bagian atas sebelum di balik kemudian balik crepes dan biar kan beberapa menit dan angkat, sambil menunggu dingin taburi potongan Pisang dan tutup crepes hingga menjadi setengah lingkaran , taburi gula halus di atas nya dan sajikan dengan potongan buah lemon

Ingredients :
110 g plain flour sifted
200 ml milk
50 g butter
Little salt
1 tsp caster sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
2 Eggs beaten
Lemon wedges
Icing sugar sifted
Banana cut thinly circles
Chocolate chips

How to make :
Mix the eggs and milk then then whisk well and add but of salt and vanilla and caster sugar , whisk them well again then put the flour bit by bit and stir well until no lumps anymore
Heat the pan with 1 tbs butter from that 50 g butter every time you cook each crepes and cook until the bottom bit brownie then sprinkled chocolate chips on top the turn over and leave it few mins then set aside to leave it cool the you can start the topping and sprinkled some chopped bananas and close the crepes until become halve circle then sprinkled icing sugar on top and serve the lemon wedges on the side

You can start the other creations wih other crepes like
Banana and blueberries with whipped cream pancake for you and little one :



Morning glory juice ( pineapple , blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and apple juice )


Look at that colour ! Burgundy and beautiful and the taste is amazing too and the most important thing is make you healthy ! So it’s a good deal, what are you waiting for ? Go grab your juicer

Ingredients :

Indonesian pickles ( acar Indonesia )


Mmmmm Indonesian pickles ! This the best side dish for
Your “sate menu, mie goreng menu , and so on .
very simple to make ! But to store this , the more you store this beauty in the fridge is the better ,

Bahan – bahan :
1 ketimun potong dadu
1 wortel potong dadu
Cabe rawit sesuai selera
4 bawang merah
3 sdm Cuka
1 sdt gula
1/2 sdt garam
Air hangat

cara membuat :
campur wortel, ketimun, bawang merah dan cabe ke dalam toples kecil dan Taburkan gula dan garam kemudian tutup toples dan shake it sampai tercampur dan tambahkan Cuka dan air hangat kemudian tutup rapat kembali toples dan simpan di kulkas

Ingredients :
1 cucumber diced
1 carrot diced
Few bird chillies
4 shallots
3 tbs white vinegar / citric acid
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
Warm water

How to make :
Mix the carrot, cucumber , shallots and bird chillies in to small jar then sprinkle sugar and salt on top and close the lid then give a good shake and add the vinegar and some water then secure the lid again and store in the fridge

Cumi Padang ( Padang squid )

I love Padang food! All of them and particularly this menu! if you live out of Indonesia and I fully understand that is hard to find “turmeric leaves” anyway don’t worry ! It’s not the end of the world! The flavour is still great! As long you can add tiny bit more of each ingredients and voila! Selamat Makan
Bahan – bahan :
1 kg Cumi di bersihkan, kepala, dalam, kulit ari dan tinta
2 cm jahe kupas di keprek
2 cm lengkuas kupas di keprek
2 batang Sereh di kupas
1 lembar daun kunyit ikat simpul
Garam dan gula pasir secukupnya
1jeruk nipis
2 buah kemiri
5 siung bawang merah
5 siung bawang putih
3 cabe merah
5 cabe rawit merah
2 sdm kunyit bubuk
1 sdm ketumbar bubuk
5 lembar daun jeruk
2 lembar daun Salam
Minyak goreng
300-400 gr santan kental
Air matang
Tusuk gigi

Cara membuat :
Cumi yang telah di bersihkan kemudian diisi bagian perutnya dengan kepala kemudian di sematkan ujung nya dengan tusuk gigi dan lumuri dengan Perasan air jeruk dan garam dan diamkan selama 30 menit
Sementara haluskan bawang merah , bawang putih , cabe , kemiri, garam , gula, kunyit dan ketumbar lalu sisihkan
Panas kan Minyak dan Tumis bumbu halus hingga Harum, masukan Sereh, daun Salam, daun jeruk, jahe dan lengkuas Tumis hingga Harum. Masukan Cumi dan daun kunyit biar kan beberapa menit kemudian tuang santan, tambahkan sedikit air dan aduk, biar kan hingga mendiidih dan sambil dicicipi tambahkan gula dan garam dan masak hingga Cumi matang

Ingredients :
1 kg squid cleaned the head , inside, skinless and remove the ink
2 cm ginger crushed
2 cm galangal crushed
2 lemon grass crushed
1 turmeric leave knotted
Salt and sugar
1 lime
2 candlenuts
5 cloves shallots
5 cloves garlics
3 red chillies
5 red bird chillies
2 tbs ground turmeric
1 tbd ground corriander
5 lime leaves
2 bay leaves
Vegetable oil
300-400 g thick coconut milk
Cooked water

How to make :
after you cleaned the squids you can fill inside with the heads then sealed the top bit with toothpick and marinate them with lime juice and salt for 30 minutes, meanwhile pound the shallots, garlics, chillies, candlenuts, salt and sugar till become paste and set aside heat the oil then saute the pounded paste till fragrant and add the lemon grass, ginger, galangal, bay leaves and lime leaves till fragrant , put the cumi and turmeri leaves and leave it for few
Minutes then you can pour the coconut milk and mix wih bit of water , leave it to boil and seasoning with salt and sugar and stir well till everythig cook.

Juice of love ( nectarines,strawberries,raspberries,white grapes, apples,carrots )


juice of love ! These are some our favourite all time ! The sweet flavour from white grapes, and the amazing colour from strawberry and raspberry, the juicy bit from carrots and apples and the thickness texture from the nectarines! they all so delicious

The ingredients :
White grapes


Weekend juice ( strawberry , apple, white grape , carrot and orange )

always make effort to be more healthier ! every weekend stuff all the fresh , natural ingredients to our body ! always like this juice as from the title :

the ingredients are :
White grapes
And how to make :
Blend , mix , squeeze etc all the ingredients and definitely no adding SUGAR !!!!!!

